Steve Larkin

Steve completed his MBA not only to tick off a personal goal, but also to differentiate himself within the workplace.

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  • Motivation:
    Personal achievement
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  • Year of Graduation:
Steve Larkin

Why did you decide to study an MBA?

I decided to study the MBA, really, as personal development. I’m at a certain stage in my career where I didn’t exactly need it, but I really wanted something to differentiate myself.

What were the main challenges throughout the MBA journey and how did you overcome them?

The main challenges really revolved around just the discipline of carving out the time to make sure that I stayed ahead of the reading. And that was really my trick to this particular trade, is that I found a particular rhythm that worked for me. And it really was just getting ahead of the reading and staying committed to the projects as the datelines and timelines became imminent.

How are you applying the skills you learned from MBA to your role?

I’m applying the skills that I learned through this MBA journey through my current role. Really, it happened as a continuum, as I actually worked my way through the program. It took me two years to complete the program, but through that two-year process, I actually applied the learnings of the individual courses to my job.

How has the MBA helped your confidence?

Earning an MBA really assists in confidence-building, for a variety of reasons. I’m in my 50s and I’ve got some really, really smart colleagues who come out of college and university already equipped with that MBA – it certainly gives me the confidence to stand up strong and truly represent myself nicely in my current role.

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