Nigel Chetty

Nigel used his MBA to consolidate his work and life experience and further his career prospects.

  • Location:
    New Zealand
  • Industry:
    Retail and Consumer Products
  • Job Function:
  • Programme:
  • Motivation:
    Job promotion Personal achievement
  • Challenges:
    Long work hours Balance and Time Management
  • Year of Graduation:

How has the AIB MBA helped you with any type of career progression or career success?

Doing the MBA through AIB has not only given me the overview of a strategic environment in the business in all sense, which I also utilise in some of my governance roles as well, but it also gives a lot of confidence in being able to communicate at a more strategic level. It’s also about understanding some of the intricacies of a business and an organisation. The best thing about it was the practical aspect of it: being able to apply the MBA in a work situation and solve some of the actual problems we had. So, that actually gave me a different set of skills set altogether and better understanding of the theory as well.

How are you applying the skills you learned from the MBA to your role?

In terms of applying the skills that I’ve picked up through the MBA, it is because the MBA itself is quite practical, a lot of the issues that I’ve studied were a lot of the principles I’ve applied back to situations within the work environment. These are everyday situations –problems we had to solve, whether it’s a marketing issue or a governance issue or an HR issue. In a sense, it’s given me the confidence to be able to deal with it at a more strategic level, I suppose. And then being able to apply some of the more successful principles, I’d like to say once again, because it’s practical, and that has certainly helped in that aspect.

Were there any particular subjects that AIB offers that were relevant to your role or your interest?

The subjects through the MBA, actually they were all relevant to my roles and interests. As well as working in the retail sector, I also have a few governance roles that I’ve taken on board over the years, whether it was sitting on a region or on a local council, or currently as a trustee of a fairly large consumer-owned entity. All the papers, all the subjects, became quite relevant.
One of the reasons I chose this particular MBA was that those subjects, the core papers and electives actually made sense and I could sort of tailor-make it to what I needed at the time, too. But like I said, all the papers were relevant.

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