Career support when you need it

Navigating the changing world of work can be challenging, but you don’t have to do it alone. To support ongoing professional growth and success, AIB students receive complimentary access to a professional career support service and have the opportunity to tap into the expertise within AIB’s alumni network to receive peer career and professional advice.

Professional support

Career Assist is a complimentary and confidential career development service through Converge International. Offering career counselling, guidance and advice from qualified HR and recruitment professionals, sessions can take place over the phone, via online video call or face to face (available in some locations). It is an Australian-based service but is available to AIB students globally.

Peer to peer support

Ask Me Anything with AIB’s Alumni Leaders is a platform you can use to forge connections with other business professionals within the AIB community to network, collaborate and seek career-related advice. More than 70 MBA graduates across a diverse range of fields and industries, locations and professional backgrounds are open to hearing from you and to share their insights to support you and your goals. Ask them anything!

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Converge’s career team can help with the following:

  • CV, cover letter, job application and interview advice
  • Identifying career opportunities suited to your skills and experience
  • Planning a career change or seeking growth within your current organisation or industry
  • Guidance on suitable professional development opportunities
  • Impartial advice on a workplace problem you’re facing
  • Plus, anything else relevant to your professional life

You can get started by requesting an appointment via the online booking platform. You can also make an appointment by calling Converge International on 1300 687 327 if within Australia or +613 8620 5300 if located outside of Australia.

Steps for using the online booking form:

  1. Enter “AUSTWEYW” as the organisation code and create an account
  2. Complete the booking form for a new appointment and choose Career Assist as the service

So that you can receive ongoing support should you want it, you may access up to three complimentary Career Assist sessions for each topic or issue you wish to discuss with the career coaches and counsellors.

You can turn to AIB’s Alumni Leaders anytime throughout your study journey and beyond to connect with peers who have walked the path before you and are ready to help guide you on your journey.

Here are a few examples of reasons why students might consider connecting with an Alumni Leader:

  • Industry-specific knowledge: Connect with subject matter experts or peers in your field to discuss challenges you’re facing at work, trends or how to stay ahead of the curve.
  • Startup insights: Reach out to successful business owners to gain firsthand advice on launching and growing a startup.
  • Career transition: Ask for tailored advice on how to break into a new profession, learning from the experiences of those who have built successful careers in the field.
  • Personal branding: Seek out strategies from leaders on how they leveraged their learning and the MBA degree’s credibility to grow their careers.
  • Local networking: Foster valuable connections locally with graduates in your city or region.
  • Study advice: Strike up conversations around study strategies, subject content or elective and specialisations choices that align with your career trajectory.

Each leader’s profile offers a glimpse into the diverse paths they have navigated, their skills and areas of expertise. If you find a leader whose career experience resonates with your goals, you can navigate through to their LinkedIn profile to learn more and connect with them.

  1. Use the Alumni Ask Me Anything filters to search for an Alumni Leader relevant to professional goals and career aspirations. Navigate through to their LinkedIn profile to learn more about their professional journey.
  2. If you’d like to contact an Alumni Leader, you can either send them a message on LinkedIn (if the option is available) or send a connection request, being sure to “Add a note”. First and foremost, introduce yourself and advise your connection to AIB – whether you are a student, a graduate or potential future student – and your reason for connecting.
  3. It is the responsibility of the AIB community member who contacts the Alumni Leader to lead the conversation. Be clear on what you are asking and hoping to get out of the interaction, and be proactive, prepared and respectful.

To ensure a positive and enriching experience for everyone, we encourage you to refer to the Alumni Ask Me Anything Community Guidelines.