Starting your AIB MBA journey

We understand that not everyone takes the traditional route to get to where they are today, which is why your experience and qualifications all form part of our entry criteria. This section will take you through the steps to applying and making your experience and prior study count from day 1.

As with any agreement and undertaking, it’s important that you take the time to read terms and conditions associated with your application before finalising your submission. This key document outlines your responsibility as an AIB student and sets the conditions to which you’ll be expected to adhere throughout your studies. In addition to your application terms and conditions, there are also several key policies and procedures which relate to applying to study. These are:

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Applying to study with AIB is as easy as 1-2-3.

  1. Check eligibility, reserve your spot and complete your application form
  2. Upload your supporting documentation
  3. Accept your letter of offer

Once you’ve accepted your letter of offer, you’ll be well on your way to becoming an AIB student! The process from here is just as easy; our enrolment tracker will lead the way…

More information on entry requirements including English language requirements can be found on our website.

Something to think about…We recognise that our students have often undertaken study before embarking on their MBA or have extensive industry experience and training that might provide credit towards specific subjects. There are two ways you can gain credit towards your study:

  1. Credit transfer – apply for credit transfer if you have completed study at an Australian equivalent postgraduate level or,
  2. Recognition of Prior learning (RPL) – apply for RPL to have your existing knowledge and skills (including previous formal or informal training, work experience, voluntary work and life experience) recognised.

Depending on which path you take, you will be supported throughout the application process by your Course Advisor. You can kick-off the process by ticking the ‘yes, I intend to apply’ button within the online application form.

If you need any assistance throughout the application process, please contact your course advisor who will be happy to help.

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  1. I have previous higher education experience; can I apply for credit towards my studies?
  2. Can I gain recognition for my extensive industry experience?

If you have completed study at an Australian equivalent postgraduate level, then you may be able to apply for credit towards specific subjects. Before you apply, please refer to the Programme Exemptions document which lists all qualifications for which AIB has a standing articulation agreement with another institution or which we have pre-assessed for our precedents another institution’s qualifications. The maximum amount of credit which can be granted for these qualifications against AIB courses (MBA) is shown in the table. The table is by no means exhaustive, as AIB can also assess qualifications from institutions which are not represented here via our standard exemption application process.

You should also refer to the Articulation, Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy and Procedure on the AIB Policies webpage for more information.

The online enrolment form contains a link to the specific subject exemption application form which you will need to complete and submit to your course advisor as soon as possible. If you’re interested in applying for credit transfer, you must apply before you start your Course. We recommend that you submit your application as early as possible in the enrolment process so that any credit can be applied before you start (this will also avoid situations where you’ve studied something for which you could’ve gained credit). To kick off the process, tick “yes, I intend to apply for credit transfer” when completing your online application form.

If you are successful in being granted credit towards AIB subjects, you should note:

  • Exempted subjects will be referred to as ‘Exempted’, ‘Special Topic in Management’ or similar on your Academic Transcript and show as an (E) grade.
  • Exempted subjects will not count towards your overall Grade Point Average (GPA).
  • The total course fee payable will be reduced in respect of the exempted subjects.

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  2. Can I gain recognition for my extensive industry experience?

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the formal recognition of learning demonstrated through existing knowledge and skills, which may have been achieved via the following means:

  • Formal learning – learning that takes place through an officially accredited course
  • Informal learning – learning gained via more practical experiences e.g. work, volunteering, social and leisure activities
  • Non-formal learning – learning gained through training programmes etc. with no official accreditation

If you are interested in applying for RPL, you should start by viewing our “RPL Applicants Guide” video, where a senior member of our Academic Team will provide further information on the requirements and process. You should also refer to the RPL Guide for Applicants (which includes the RPL application form) and the Articulation, Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy and Procedure on the AIB Policies webpage for more information.

Please note that you must apply for RPL before you start your Course. We recommend that you submit your portfolio as early as possible in the enrolment process so that any credit can be applied before you start (this will also avoid situations where you’ve studied something for which you could’ve gained credit). To kick off the process, tick “yes, I intend to make RPL claim” when completing your online application form.

If you are successful in being granted credit towards AIB subjects, you should note:

  • Exempted subjects will be referred to as ‘Exempted’, ‘Special Topic in Management’ or similar on your Academic Transcript.
  • Exempted subjects will not count towards your overall Grade Point Average (GPA).
  • The total Course fee payable will be reduced in respect of the exempted subjects.

Be sure to check out our explainer video on the RPL process with Dr. Diane Kalendra

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  1. How is my Grade Point Average (GPA) calculated and why does it matter?
  2. How do I apply to study with AIB?

The Australian Government is extending the use of the Unique Student Identifier (USI) to the higher education sector and means that all students are now required to have a USI. The aim of this extension is to create a single government identifier which will follow the student through their entire tertiary education journey.

The Unique Student Identifier (known as a USI) is a reference number made up of a combination of ten numbers and letters.  Among other benefits, your USI will allow you to access an online record of your training and permit you to manage your personal and financial details.  If you have studied a VET course in the last five years or you’re not sure if you already have a USI and you can locate it using the following ‘find your USI‘ webpage.

Who needs a USI?

If you are an Australian citizen, you will need a USI, regardless of where you are located during your studies. If you are an Australian citizen and will be located overseas for the duration of your studies, you are still required to have a USI.

For citizens of other countries, the Government has advised that the following students will need a USI:

  • If you are onshore within Australia at any time during your studies, you will need a USI.
  • If you are located outside of Australia for the full duration of your studies, you will not need one.

More information is available on the Government’s USI webpage.

Why is this important?

From 1st January 2021, it is compulsory for all new higher education students to obtain a USI in order to be eligible for Government financial assistance i.e. FEE-HELP.  Any existing AIB students who are using FEE-HELP for the first time after 1st January 2021 are also required to obtain a USI or they will be unable to use FEE-HELP loan to fund their subjects.

Also, from 1 January 2023, all domestic and international, onshore, students must have, and provide, a verified USI in order to graduate and receive their award (this includes nested awards). For the avoidance of doubt, please note that AIB is unable to award your qualification if a verified USI is not held on our records.

If you’re still unsure if you need to provide a Unique Student Identifier, please contact a member of our Student Central team.

I am not a new student; do I still need a USI?

In certain instances, yes.
If you started studying with AIB in 2020 or before and/or you are using FEE-HELP to fund your studies, you don’t have to do anything, provided you complete your studies prior to 1st January 2023. 

If you intend to use FEE-HELP loan to fund your studies for the first time from 1st January 2021 onwards, then you are required to obtain a Unique Student Identifier (USI). The good news is that the process is quick and simple: click to create a USI.

You will need to obtain a USI if you fall into one of the categories below:

  1. If you have recently changed the focus of your studies i.e. changed from our Generalist MBA to a specialisation or vice versa, you will now be required to obtain a USI.
  2. Any student who transitioned (or plans to transition) from an older version of our MBA course is now required to obtain a USI.
  3. If you enrolled via our Graduate Certificate in Management (GCM) pathway to the MBA and are on track to complete your GCM course from December 2020 onwards, you will be required to obtain a USI.
  4. Any students requesting an extension to their registration period with AIB and any student returning from a significant break from study will also be required to obtain a USI.

If you are unsure if you need a Unique Student Identifier, please reach out to a member of our Student Central team.

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