We’re here to help
We understand that sometimes things don’t always go according to plan and pausing your studies is not something you take lightly. When this happens, your Enrolment Advisor will be here to help you succeed or to direct you to the right help and support to keep you on-track all the way through to graduation. Any assessment or subject related questions should be directed to your Online Learning Facilitator or Subject Co-ordinator.
The key thing to remember is that we are here to help you to succeed, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of the AIB team. Additional support is also available within the Student Wellbeing and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion sections of this handbook.
If you are considering withdrawing from a subject, please refer to the following policies and procedures for the most up to date information:
- the Withdrawal and Deferral Policy and Procedure
- the Student Refund Policy and Procedure
- the Academic Progress Policy and Procedure which details any restrictions which may be placed on your ability to re-enrol and limit your subject choice. If this occurs, we will take you through your available options and will work together to help you to achieve your study goals. Please head to for more information.
- You should also refer to the Statement of Tuition Assurance for guidance if AIB ceases to provide a course of study
The census date for a subject is the date on which you incur the subject fee and is, therefore, the last day you can withdraw from a subject without incurring FEE-HELP debt (for students using FEE-HELP) or subject fees (for self-funded students). The census date is a minimum of 20% of the way through a subject. All dates are in Australian Central Standard/Daylight Time (Adelaide time zone).
The census date for each subject is available on your personal timetable (provided once your subject enrolments are completed) and on AIB’s Master Timetable.
If you are finding your studies challenging, the best thing you can do is to let us know. There are multiple ways we can support you to complete your subject, including shuffling your timetable to make things more manageable or proving an assessment extension to give you a little breathing space.
The key is to talk to us!
- Your Online Learning Facilitator (OLF) – can help you with all things to do with your current subject and will be able to advise where best to targeting your time.
- Our Academic Skills Advisor – can help cement your academic writing, research and referencing skills.
- Your Enrolment Advisor – can help to link you to other support and resources and adjusting your timetable if needed.
- Our Student Central team – is your go-to for anything not directly related to your current subject.
We have a lot of support available to help you to achieve your study goal. Have you looked at…?
- How do I request an extension for my assignment, report or Project?
- I am finding my studies challenging, is there any additional support available?
- Are there any additional resources to develop critical thinking and academic writing skills?
- Can I get additional English Language support?
- Consider dropping one of your subjects if you’re undertaking concurrent study- head to Accelerating your studies. What you need to know.
Don’t underestimate the power of momentum!
Everyone’s MBA journey is different. When we ask our students and alumni how they manage when things get hectic, there are two clear groups:
- keep going and push through – some students prefer to keep going and are very strong advocates of maintaining momentum. We often hear that it’s incredibly hard to get back into the swing of study once you’ve had a break, even for a short amount of time, so it’s always worth putting some serious thought into keeping that momentum going. Don’t forget that both our Academic and support teams are here to help with anything you might need to keep on-track.
- know your limits and take a break if you need it – you know yourself and your non-negotiables. Taking a short break will mean you come back refreshed and revitalised. The key here is to not let your break fester and stop you from returning to achieve your goal. Work with us to plan your return so that you keep your break to a minimum and you focus on getting back into the swing of study head of your return. Reach out to our Enrolment team who will help shuffle your timetable to give you the space you need.
Timing is everything!
Any support we are able to offer you is very much dependent on where you are within the subject. So, don’t wait to reach out to your Enrolment Advisor.
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Your Enrolment Advisor will be there to support you through each stage as you progress through your studies. They are your go-to for enrolment advice or if you need to re-think your subject choice or timetable. You can contact your Enrolment Advisor:
By email on ESS@aib.edu.au
By booking an appointment with your Enrolment Advisor at:
Telephone (we are available from 8am – 4:30pm (Adelaide time. Monday – Friday):
- Within Australia (toll-free): 1 300 971 427
- Outside Australia: +61 8 8212 8111
- Within Canada (toll-free): 1 888 242 7044
Our Student Central team are our all-round experts and are your go-to for any questions not directly related to your subject material or assessments. If they don’t know the answer, they will definitely know where to go…
You can contact our Student Central team:
- Via the General Discussion forum in the student learning portal
- By email on at studentcentral@aib.edu.au or
- Telephone (we are available from 7am – 4:30pm (Adelaide time. Monday – Friday):
- Within Australia (toll-free): 1 300 304 820
- Outside Australia: +61 8 8212 8111
- Within Canada (toll-free): 1 888 242 7044
If you are finding your studies challenging, the best thing you can do is to let us know. There is a lot of support outlined here. If, after seeking support from the AIB team, you are still considering withdrawing from your current subject, please refer the following policies and procedures and the important points noted below.
There are several policies and procedures which you should refer to when considering withdrawing from a subject. These are:
- the Withdrawal and Deferral Policy and Procedure
- the Student Refund Policy and Procedure
- the Academic Progress Policy and Procedure which details any restrictions which may be placed on your ability to re-enrol and any limitation on your subject choice. If this occurs, we will take you through your available options and will work together to help you to achieve your study goals. Please head to for more information.
Timing is key!
The timing of your withdrawal is crucial and will determine if the subject fee is incurred, what appears on your academic transcript and if this affects your Grade Point Average (GPA).
- Administration date – if you withdraw on or before the administration date of your subject, you will not incur any subject fee and no grade will appear on your academic transcript. This withdrawal does not affect your GPA.
- Census date – this is the date on which you incur the subject fee. If you intend to withdraw from your subject without incurring the subject fee, you must do so by census date. This withdrawal grade will not affect your GPA and a Withdrawal Not Fail (WNF) grade will appear on your academic transcript.
- Please note that all dates are based on Adelaide time i.e. if you request a withdrawal, your request must be received no later that midnight Adelaide time on the applicable date.
- If you withdraw after the census date of your subject, you will incur the full subject fee, regardless of whether you study or complete the subject and a Withdrawal Fail (WF) will appear on your academic transcript. This withdrawal grade will affect your GPA.

Timeline of 12 points. Point 1 is the Administration date. Point 2 is subject start, Point 3 is Census date and point 12 is the end of the subject.
Important points:
- All withdrawals must be requested and confirmed in writing (or verbally, which must subsequently be confirmed in writing) before any changes to your enrolment will be actioned.
- Each subject has its own census date. This is the date on which the subject fee is incurred and is listed on your timetable.
- You can withdraw from your subject up to the census date, without incurring any financial or academic penalty. After this date, the subject fee is incurred, regardless of whether you complete the subject or not.
- When you re-enrol, you will need to pay the full subject fee, applicable at the time you re-enrol, and undertake the subject in full i.e. you will not be able to re-use or re-submit any previously submitted assessment items.
- It is important to note that any withdrawal after the administration date, will appear on your academic transcript. This includes subjects withdrawn before and after the census date and Medical/Compassionate grade withdrawals.
- Payment plan students – please refer to your specific payment terms and conditions received when you enrolled and head to the payment plan section of this Handbook for further information.
- If you are taking a break from your studies, we encourage you to complete your re-enrolments and deferred subjects as soon as you can; we routinely update our subjects and curriculum to ensure we keep up with industry trends. It is important to be aware that should you delay undertaking that subject for whatever reason, you may not be able to study the same subject(s) at a later date. We will, of course, let you know well in advance of any curriculum changes and your possible options.
To withdraw from your subject, please contact your Enrolment Advisor.
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We understand that everyone gets sick and that this may impact on your studies. We recommend that you contact us as soon as possible as there are multiple ways we can support you. The options available will depend on your specific, individual, or personal situation and may include an assessment extension or obtaining a Medical/Compassionate (MC) grade for the full subject.
In order to apply for a MC grade, you will need to provide supporting medical documentation listing the dates you were ill and the impact on your ability to study. Please email this to a member of the Student Central team.
Timing is key!
You must apply for, and provide the necessary medical documentation, before the end of the subject.
Important points:
If granted a Medical/Compassionate grade, it is important to note that:
- This allows you one re-enrolment in the subject at no cost.
- An MC grade will appear on your academic transcript but will not affect your Grade Point Average (GPA).
- Your MC grade will be valid for 12 months. This means you will need to complete the subject for which you obtained an MC grade within 12 months of the start of your original subject. For example, if you received a Medical/Compassionate grade for a subject starting in June 2020, you’ll need to undertake and complete the re-enrolment of this subject by June 2021.
- When you study your re-enrolment, you will be required to undertake the subject in its entirety. This means that any assessments that you have already submitted will not be transferred to your re-enrolment and you will be required to complete all assessments afresh, as per the requirements of the re-enrolled subject. It’s also important to note, that AIB assessments are updated each time the subject is offered, so please refer to your subject’s assessment page.
Please refer to Withdrawal and Deferral Policy and Procedure and Student Refund Policy and Procedure for the most up to date information.
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If you are looking at your options, we encourage you to have a look at the following sections of this Handbook:
- I am finding it challenging to complete my subject; what support is available?
- Withdrawing from your subject. What you need to know.
Students who are unable to undertake a subject for medical or compassionate reasons may apply for a medical/compassionate (MC) grade. This will allow you to complete the subject again, in its entirety, at no additional cost, within 12 months of the start of the original subject.
Important points:
If you already have an approved for a Medical/Compassionate grade, it is important to note that:
- This allows you one re-enrolment in the subject at no cost.
- An MC grade will appear on your academic transcript but will not affect your Grade Point Average (GPA).
- Your MC grade will be valid for 12 months. This means you will need to complete the subject for which you obtained an MC grade within 12 months of the start of your original subject. For example, if you received a medical/compassionate grade for a subject starting in June 2020, you’ll need to undertake and complete the re-enrolment of this subject by June 2021.
- Once your registration expires, any outstanding MC will be null-and-void, regardless of when the MC was approved.
- When you study your re-enrolment, you will be required to undertake the subject in its entirety. This means that any assessments that you have already submitted will not be transferred to your re-enrolment and you will be required to complete all assessments afresh, as per the requirements of the re-enrolled subject. It’s also important to note, that AIB assessments are updated each time the subject is offered, so please refer to your subject’s assessment page.
- Please refer to Withdrawal and Deferral Policy and Procedure and Student Refund Policy and Procedure for the most up to date information.
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We completely understand that things may not always go to plan. If you feel that we have not lived up to our normal high standard, then we’d love to listen and talk about your experience and to be given the opportunity to understand what’s happened and to set things right.
First things first, please reach out to a member of our Student Central team so that we can fully understand the situation.
Whilst we hope we can resolve things informally, if you are still not satisfied, then we encourage you to submit a grievance so that we can discuss things more formally. The process for submitting a grievance is outlined in our Student Complaints, Grievance and Appeals Policy and Procedure along with the appeals process.
You will find the policy and procedure along with the Formal Grievance Form freely available on the AIB Policies website.
If your grievance relates to an assessment grade, then please head to our Assessment Policy and Procedure which outlines the process for requesting and apply for a re-mark.
You might also be interested in…
- How do I request a re-mark for an assessment?
- I am finding it challenging to complete my subject; what support is available?
- I am ill/sick and am unable to study my current subject; what options are available?
- Withdrawing from your subject. What you need to know.
- Our students’ wellbeing and safety is paramount. Here is how we can help.