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Designed for busy working professionals, this fully online MBA course is highly flexible and delivered with interactive, bite-sized content and personalised student support.

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AIB’s global student community

The Australian Institute of Business (AIB) is a truly global community with over 20,000 students, alumni, academics and industry experts from over 100 countries.


Business school students studying with AIB globally


Business school graduates globally


Business school qualifications awarded globally

Note: All graduate, student and academic head-count numbers were true as of February, 2024.

We’re here to support you

Looking for a helping hand? The following teams and services are here to help support you from your very first subject through to graduation. We’re with you every step of the way.

Online Learning Facilitators

  • Your Facilitator (OLF) hosts your class webinars, engages with you throughout the subject and provides guidance and support for your assessments.

Study Skills and Librarian

  • Our dedicated learning specialists can help cement your academic writing, research and referencing skills, supporting your success in assessments.


  • Highly qualified and experienced academics coordinate your course content, assessments and delivery throughout your MBA subjects.

Student Central

  • Supporting you with any issues big or small from orientation through to graduation. Includes extension requests, technical support and much more.

Enrolment Advisors

  • Your go-to for enrolment advice, including subject choice, timetabling and deciding on a possible specialisation.

Wellbeing and career support

  • Access to a confidential support service providing personal counselling, wellbeing advice and career assistance

Your key support contacts

Your go-to for questions not directly related to subject material. If they don’t know the answer, they will definitely know where to go.
Book an appointment with your Enrolment Advisor, send an email or call when it suits you for subject selection and timetable support.
Pop your question onto your subject forum or send a private message to your OLF via the learning portal.
Connect with our Librarians and Academic Skills Advisor to help get your research and writing skills in tip top shape.

I see the MBA as the perfect launching platform for a career to get up in to senior management. For a career where I am leading people, where I am making a difference in not only the lives of the people that I work with, but also for the company that I am working for.

Connect with students and alumni

Stay connected, network and engage with your fellow students and graduates by joining our exclusive Facebook and LinkedIn AIB groups below:

Expand your global network and connect with students studying the same subjects as you.
Join the Facebook Group
Buy or sell textbooks through our Facebook Marketplace.
Join the Facebook Group
Team up and collaborate with other MBA and GCM students as you kickstart your AIB journey together.
Join the Facebook Group
Reunite with former classmates on Facebook, exchange industry expertise, and stay ahead in business.
Join the Facebook Group
Build your network closer to home and connect with fellow students across Canada on Facebook.
Join the Facebook Group
Continue building lifelong connections, share industry insights and discover new career prospects via LinkedIn.
Join the Linkedin Group
Leverage valuable insights from your fellow Canadian students on LinkedIn and build lifelong connections.
Join the Linkedin Group
Explore and connect with students and alumni across the world who study with AIB.
Explore Linkedin Community

What it’s all leading up to

With all the challenges, newfound skills, connections, and successes you experience along the way, completing an MBA is a monumental occasion – one to be incredibly proud of.

Graduation Day marks the start of the rest of your career journey, one with a fresh new perspective, set of skills and confidence to achieve whatever your career goals may be… no matter how ambitious.

Graduation ticketing & info

Looking for answers? Search and explore the Student Handbook.

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