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Designed for busy working professionals, this fully online MBA course is highly flexible and delivered with interactive, bite-sized content and personalised student support.

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Start Your Research Journey Today

Research Higher Degree Applications

Please note that we are not currently open for applications. Applications will re-open in July 2025 for the 2026 cohort intake. Enquiries are welcome along with application development with potential supervisors, anytime through the year.

2025 cohort key dates:

  • Applications close 2 September 2024
  • Offers will be sent out late September / early October 2024
  • Orientation will be held in November – December 2024
  • Commencement date will be 3rd of January 2025

2025 Scholarships

We are pleased to offer 3 AIB Doctoral Scholarships for 2025 DBA /PhD applicants. Two AIB Equity scholarships (100% fee waiver) are available to applicants who have a disability or who come from a low socio-economic background, and one AIB Not-for-profit (NFP) Scholarship (50% fee waiver) is available to applicants working or volunteering in a not-for-profit organisation OR on an NFP research project.

Step 1: Check you meet minimum eligibility requirements

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Graduate Certificate in Research Methodologies (GCRM)

You must meet one of the following Academic Qualifications criteria to enter:

  • A Bachelor Degree (AQF Level 7)
  • A Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) with a minimum score of 550 and at least 3 years relevant work experience.

AIB MBA graduates are automatically eligible for the GCRM.

English language requirements must be met. For all admission requirements, please review the GCRM Course Brief.

Learn more about the GCRM.

Master of Management (MMgt)

You must meet one of the following Academic Qualifications criteria to enter:

  • Bachelor Degree (AQF Level 7) or equivalent
  • AQF Level 8 qualification (or equivalent) in any discipline
  • Graduate Certificate in Research Methodologies
  • Graduate Certificate in Management

AIB MBA graduates are automatically eligible for the MMgt.

English language requirements must be met. For all admission requirements, please review the MMgt Course Brief.

Learn more about the MMgt.

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)

You must meet one of the following Academic Qualifications criteria:

  • A Master’s in Philosophy
  • A Master’s Degree (AQF Level 9) at Credit or higher-level Grade Point Average with an appropriate research component (for example, research methods subject of research project) 
  • A Bachelor’s Degree with Honours (AQF Level 8) with a minimum upper second class honours or equivalent

AIB MBA graduates with a GPA of credit average (5.0) or higher are automatically eligible for the DBA.

English language requirements must be met. For all admission requirements, please review the DBA Course Brief.

Learn more about the DBA.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

You must meet one of the following Academic Qualifications criteria:

  • A Master’s in Philosophy 
  • A Master’s Degree (AQF Level 9) in Business and Commerce or related discipline area at Credit or higher level Grade Point Average with an appropriate research component (minimum 40%) 
  • A Bachelor’s Degree (AQF Level 8) in Business and Commerce or related discipline area with minimum upper second class honours or equivalent

English language requirements must be met. For all admission requirements, please review the PhD Course Brief.

Learn more about the PhD.

Interested in the MMgt, DBA or PhD? – Proceed with step 2. Interested in applying in GCRM? – Skip to step 3.

Step 2: Identify a suitable Supervisory panel and contact them with your research topic outline

You must identify a suitable potential Principal Supervisor and at least one suitable potential Associate Supervisor. Please review our Research Disciplines and Potential Supervisors. Once you have identified a good fit, please contact them with your research topic outline. There is no specified template for the research topic outline, however, the document should provide the potential supervisors sufficient detail about your research topic and interest.

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Logistics and Supply Chain Management Discipline

Step 3: Complete the application form and ensure you have attached all documents as per the Application Review Checklist.

If you apply for the MMgt, DBA, or PhD, please ensure that your potential supervisory panel has provided a Statement of Support. Don’t forget to send the research referee report to your referees for them to complete.

Step 4: Submit your application and supporting documents to rhdadmissions@aib.edu.au

Entry into the Research Higher Degrees is, of course, highly competitive and is based on strict criteria. Successful completion of an AIB Masters qualification is a potential pathway, but not an automatic entry.

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