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Designed for busy working professionals, this fully online MBA course is highly flexible and delivered with interactive, bite-sized content and personalised student support.

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Research Higher Degrees

Your research journey starts here

AIB was the first private provider in Australia approved to award doctoral degrees in business-related subjects.

Our research degrees are distinguished by their focus on work-applied learning and applied research methodologies such as action research, case research and mixed methods to produce a thesis that contributes directly to business practice. This is one reason why AIB is regarded as ‘the practical business school’.

Each of our research programs responds to a different set of demands, recognising that managers are at different stages of their careers and have different needs at work. Thus, we offer a choice of two research higher degrees:

We also offer a choice of two pathway courses:

HDR courses and research pathway courses

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Graduate Certificate in Research Methodologies (GCRM)

The GCRM is designed to provide you with specialised knowledge and skills in applied research, research methodologies and methods such as literature review skills, critical thinking, action research and action learning, quantitative methods, or qualitative case study research. After completion of the GCRM you will be able to apply knowledge and skills in contexts requiring the design, implementation and evaluation of research projects based either in workplace, organisational or industry settings. Such projects would require sound independent judgment, responsibility and accountability. You will be able to utilise your knowledge and skills in specialised evidence-based projects in the private, public or not-for-profit sectors or in the management of your own business.

The GCRM comprises of 4 subjects (equivalent to 40 credit points), 2 subjects at AQF Level 8 and 2 subjects at AQF Level 9.

The GCRM provides a pathway to the Master of Management, and is an exit point of the Doctor of Business Administration and the Doctor of Philosophy.

You must meet one of the following Academic Qualifications criteria to enter:

A Bachelor Degree (AQF Level 7); OR A Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) with a minimum score of 550 and at least 3 years relevant work experience.

English language requirements must be met. For all admission requirements, please review the GCRM Course Brief.

Learn more about the GCRM.

Apply for the GCRM.

Master of Management (MMgt)

The MMgt would be the course for you if you are interested in starting on a research pathway, or if you are interested in enhancing your knowledge by completing additional coursework. Specifically, the MMgt is designed to provide you with the integrated cognitive and specialised skills required to undertake a research project in the fields of business administration and management. After completion of the MMgt you will be able to apply your contemporary knowledge and specialised skills in creative settings and use initiative in new situations, with a high level of personal autonomy and accountability. You will be able to utilise your advanced knowledge and specialised skills in middle to higher level management positions in the private, public or not-for profit sectors or as consultants or managers in your own business.

The MMgt provides a pathway to the Doctor of Business Administration and the Doctor of Philosophy.

You must meet one of the following Academic Qualifications criteria to enter:

Bachelor Degree (AQF Level 7) or equivalent; OR AQF Level 8 qualification (or equivalent) in any discipline; OR Graduate Certificate in Research Methodologies; OR Graduate Certificate in Management.

English language requirements must be met. For all admission requirements, please review the MMgt Course Brief.

Learn more about the MMgt.

Apply for the MMgt.

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)

The DBA is designed to provide you with a systematic and critical understanding of a substantial and complex area of management theory and practice. The course provides you with specialised research skills for the application of theory in a professional context to meet the needs of organisations, industry and the economy.

After completion of the DBA you will be able to apply your original contribution and specialised cognitive, technical and research skills in contexts of autonomous, authoritative judgment, adaptability and responsibility as an expert and leading practitioner. You will be able to utilise your systematic and critical understanding of management practice and specialised research skills in leadership roles in the private, public, higher education or not-for-profit sectors or as consultants and/or executive managers in your own business.

The DBA provides a pathway to the Doctor of Philosophy.

You must meet one of the following Academic Qualifications criteria:

A Master’s in Philosophy; OR A Masters’ Degree (AQF Level 9) at Credit or higher-level Grade Point Average with an appropriate research component (for example, research methods subject or research project); OR A Bachelor’s Degree with Honours (AQF Level 8) with minimum upper second class honours or equivalent.

English language requirements must be met. For all admission requirements, please review the DBA Course Brief.

Learn more about the DBA.

Apply for the DBA.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The PhD is designed to provide you with a systematic and critical understanding of a substantial and complex area of management/business related theories and practices, together with the specialised research skills to equip you to make a significant and original contribution to knowledge.

After completion of the course you who will be able to apply your original contribution and your specialised cognitive, technical and research skills and be able to demonstrate autonomy, authoritative judgment, adaptability and responsibility as an expert and scholar.

You can utilise your systematic and critical understanding of management and specialised research skills in leadership roles or in highly skilled research roles in the private, or public sector.

You must meet one of the following Academic Qualifications criteria:

A Master’s in Philosophy; OR A Master’s Degree (AQF Level 9) in Business and Commerce or related discipline area at Credit or higher level Grade Point Average with an appropriate research component (minimum 40%); OR A Bachelor’s Degree (AQF Level 8) in Business and Commerce or related discipline area with minimum upper second class honours or equivalent.

English language requirements must be met. For all admission requirements, please review the PhD Course Brief.

Learn more about the PhD.

Apply for the PhD.

Research disciplines and potential supervisors

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Logistics and Supply Chain Management Discipline

Ready to apply?

The first step in the application process is to conduct a self-check on the minimum entry requirements for your selected research degree. You will then need to identify a suitable supervisory panel with one Principal Supervisor and at least one Associate Supervisor. You should make contact and provide a research outline that will assist the potential supervisor to ensure suitability of your research topic. Once you have identified a suitable supervisory panel, we encourage you to proceed with your full application.


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