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The Fast-Track MBA

Designed for busy working professionals, this fully online MBA course is highly flexible and delivered with interactive, bite-sized content and personalised student support.

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Fast-Track MBA Subject

Subject Summary

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, understanding the intricacies of consumer behaviour is crucial. AIB’s Consumer Behaviour MBA subject offers an in-depth exploration into the multifaceted nature of consumer actions, decision-making and customer experience management.  

Consumer Behaviour is more than just a study of how consumers search for, purchase, use, evaluate and dispose of products and services. It delves into the heart of decision-making processes, shedding light on the myriad of internal and external factors that influence these actions. With this knowledge, marketers and managers organisation-wide will be empowered to select appropriate target markets and develop effective marketing mix strategies.  

You’ll also navigate the complexities of customer experience management – an essential aspect of marketing and service industries. This will involve a deep dive into the customer’s journey, examining their cognitive, emotional, behavioural, sensorial and social responses throughout the entire purchasing experience. Through the application of concepts, you’ll understand the significance of integrating and measuring customer experiences, a critical challenge facing many enterprises today.

Elevate your strategic marketing acumen to new heights with Consumer Behaviour.

AIB Subject Code
QualificationsMBA (General)
MBA (Marketing Management)
AQF LevelLevel 9
Delivery100% online
Subject Length8 weeks
Prerequisite SubjectsMarketing Management
Start Dates2024 MBA Timetable
2025 MBA Timetable

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Subject Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate advanced understanding of consumer behaviour and customer experience management theories and practices.  
  • Critically analyse the influence of various factors on consumer decision-making and purchasing behaviour.  
  • Demonstrate the ability to evaluate, synthesise and apply innovative approaches, techniques and perspectives to consumer behaviour and customer experience management.  
  • Recommend appropriate marketing strategies in a variety of marketing scenarios based on in-depth analysis of consumer behaviour within target markets.  
  • Communicate customer experience knowledge, skills and ideas to others clearly, persuasively and credibly through customer journey mapping, customer experience auditing and deriving recommendations to enhance customer experience.  
Key Topics
  • Foundations of Consumer Behaviour and Customer Experience Management (CMX)
  • Segmenting, targeting and positioning for diverse consumer markets
  • The consumer as an individual: needs, motivation, personality and self-concept
  • Consumer perception, learning, involvement and attitude
  • Influence of external factors on consumer behaviour
  • Consumer decision-making and journey mapping
  • Researching, analysing and reporting on customer experiences


Studying Consumer Behaviour, students delve into the intricacies of consumer decision-making through two interconnected assessments. The first challenges students to analyse their experience with a high-involvement product or service, critically examining the factors influencing their attitudes towards the retailer. Building on that, in the second assessment, students construct a detailed customer journey map, reflecting on their personal experiences at each stage and identifying key moments of truth, all underpinned by relevant consumer behaviour theories. The culmination of this analysis is a set of literature-supported recommendations aimed at enhancing overall customer experience.

Consumer Behaviour really surprised me. It was the most fascinating and eye opening subject because it makes you think about the behaviours that lead people to make the decisions they do as consumers, as well as your own behaviour and characteristics.

How you will learn

100% Online MBA Learning

Our innovative Student Learning Portal is your ultimate digital resource for everything you’ll need to successfully complete this subject and your online MBA, with the flexibility to access your learning materials, videos, podcasts and other multimedia on any device. You’ll engage with fellow students and have key concepts explained by your Online Facilitators in webinars and forums.


In addition to the Student Learning Portal, the myAIB app allows you to download modules and full subjects to view offline to save your cellular data, receive notifications for assessments and webinars, listen to audio versions of modules through Soundcloud and enjoy many other useful features.

The myAIB learning portal app is available on Google play and on the Apple app store.

AIB supports your success

When you study with AIB, you’ll be supported by our skilful team of over 180 academic, student support and professional staff, who will be with you every step of your MBA journey.

Student Learning Portal

  • Our innovative Student Learning Portal provides all the resources and support you’ll need to successfully complete your MBA studies


  • Highly qualified and experienced academics
  • Practice-centric curricula, innovative learning resources and realistic assessment techniques

Study Tools

  • Access to tools you’ll need to successfully complete your degree and excel in your career including Office 365, LinkedIn Learning, Scite_, GrammarlyEDU and Endnote

Student Support

  • Dedicated student and enrolment teams
  • Supporting you with any issues big or small from orientation to graduation

Online Facilitators

  • Each class has a dedicated Facilitator (OLF) and a limit of just 50 students to ensure you’ll benefit from high levels of interaction, relationship building and learning

Wellbeing and career support

  • Access to a confidential support service providing personal counselling, wellbeing advice and career assistance

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Frequently Asked Questions

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What will I learn by taking Consumer Behaviour? 

Consumer Behaviour will help build a strong understanding of factors that influence consumer behaviour and purchase intentions. You will explore how consumers form attitudes and how these attitudes can be changed, how perceptions are created and how to evaluate consumer perceptions, the role personality and motivation plays in influencing how consumers choose the products, services and experiences they purchase. Moreover, you will also learn about the role of external factors, such as reference groups (family, friends etc.), culture and the organisation’s marketing efforts, in influencing decision-making. 

Most importantly, you will learn how to create a customer journey map and conduct a customer experience audit, all with the aim of providing recommendations on how to improve said experience. 

Is prior knowledge required to succeed in the subject? 

No prior knowledge is required to succeed in the subject. However, before enrolling in Consumer Behaviour, students will complete the subject of Marketing Management that touches on the importance of customer voice throughout the marketing planning process, serving as a good first step towards Consumer Behaviour. 

Would I be able to utilise knowledge from this subject to complete my final MBA Project? 

Absolutely! In the final MBA subject, Project, you are tasked to identify a company issue or opportunity and choose appropriate theories and frameworks to explore and resolve said issue. Customer experience theory, journey mapping and customer experience auditing knowledge will provide you with a very strong foundation to succeed in Project, were you to choose Marketing as a discipline, and consumer behaviour as a focus. 

How could this subject help me in my career? 

Being in the customer experience paradigm, knowledge of how to manage, measure and improve customer experience is imperative. Knowledge gained in this subject has been used by students to improve the customer experience in their own organisations, which impacts their career growth. 

How do I apply to study Consumer Behaviour?

If you’re interested in studying Consumer Behaviour and the AIB MBA, get in touch with an AIB Advisor to discuss your application and timetabling. 

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