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Designed for busy working professionals, this fully online MBA course is highly flexible and delivered with interactive, bite-sized content and personalised student support.

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The Australian Institute of Business’ commitment to ensuring the quality of research training, maximising the likelihood that higher degree by research students successfully complete their course of study, and in the process produce original outputs that contribute to the relevant field.

– From the AIB Higher Degrees by Research Policy

Priority research themes

The AIB research themes are aligned to investigating practical, contemporary and relevant ‘real world’ business problems using applied business research methodologies in close collaboration with colleagues and industry.

Sustainable development

Including business response to climate change, water crisis, modern slavey in supply chain, sustainable development goals, financial planning, digital marketing communication.


Including automation, robotics, and online work, future of global operations/supply networks, big data, artificial intelligence, on-line teaching and learning for working adults.

Business globalisation

Including global opportunities and risks such as COVID-19, performance and progress trade-offs.

The contemporary workplace & leadership

Including human resource management; corporate governance; board diversity; people and work.

– From AIB Research and Framework

Research higher degree courses

Our role in delivering advanced research degrees, and aligned pathway degrees focuses on:

  • investigating contemporary business problems through the practical application of theory;
  • using a range of appropriate methodologies including: action research, qualitative case study research, mixed methods, and quantitative research; and
  • contributing directly to business and management practice.

Want to learn more about our research courses, you can check out course options here.

Our research degrees & pathway options

AQF Level 8
Graduate Certificate in Research Methodologies
6-8 months
AQF Level 9

Master of Management

18 months – 3 years
AQF Level 9

Doctor of Business Administration

3-6 years
AQF Level 10

Doctor of Philosophy

3-6 years
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