6 ways you’ll know if you’re ready to study again

Last modified 14 October 2024
Study Tips
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
6 ways you’ll know if you’re ready to study again

Deciding to study is a big decision, whether it’s your first step into tertiary education or perhaps you’ve had many years off since finishing your first degree. Whatever the case may be, it can be a life-changing decision. Maybe you’re considering a different career path, you dream of a promotion, or you just want to increase your earning capacity to provide a prosperous future for your family. Motivations aside, check out these six ways you’ll know if you’re ready to study again.

1. You yearn for something more

Study certainly isn’t for everyone, but if you have ambitions to advance your career and you yearn for something more in life and work, then chances are you’re ready to invest in your future with a programme like an MBA. Further education is a great option if you have a burning desire to succeed in the world and you are committed to your own professional development.

2. You don’t find your current role challenging – at all

Maybe you’ve been working in your current role for a while. You can do your job with your eyes closed, and you have the skills and experience to excel at what you do. You’re an over-achiever who has reached the pinnacle within your current role – there’s nowhere else to go. Some people are happy with that, and that’s perfectly fine. But if you’re not and you crave a job that provides you with challenging work that stretches you intellectually, then this is another great sign that you’re ready for further study.

3. You have always wanted a post-grad degree

Some people dream about growing up and being a doctor, some people dream about being a fireman, and some people dream of obtaining an MBA. If you’ve always wanted a post-graduate degree, there has never been a better time. Flexible learning options, including distance education opportunities, means that you can complete your studies on your own terms. If you’ve always wanted to do this, then there is a strong chance you won’t be completely satisfied until you do.

4. You’re organised and a great time manager

Successfully studying part-time, whilst also holding down a full-time job, balancing family or life commitments and taking care of yourself – it’s not for the faint-hearted. But if you’re an organised person who manages your time effectively at work and at home now, then you should have no problem introducing some study into your weekly schedule.

5. You’re financially able to invest in your studies

Further education does require an investment, and if you really get that it’s an investment and not a cost, then you’re probably ready to begin your pathway to post-graduate success. Affordable higher education providers such as AIB offer FEE-HELP to eligible Australian citizens. FEE-HELP is an Australian government loan scheme which assists students in paying for part or all of their tuition.

6. You have some work and life experience

You don’t have to have decades of experience to embark upon an MBA or indeed any post-graduate study. However, work and life experience is certainly helpful and will make your studies more enriching.  It is so valuable to be able to apply your learnings to the workplace and practical situations, and it will no doubt assist you to get the most out of your MBA.

This article was written by Ellenor Day-Lutz on behalf of the Australian Institute of Business. All opinions are that of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of AIB.

*see 20 Biggest Online MBA Providers, MBA News (July 2024)

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