This page is dedicated to providing valuable insights and resources for everything relating to Master of Business Administration (MBA) programs, including our own online MBA – The Fast-Track MBA. Our aim is to equip you with all the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about your MBA journey. Our articles cover a wide range of topics related to the MBA experience, including tips for choosing the right MBA program, preparing your MBA application, navigating the program, and strategies for achieving making the most of your qualification post-graduation. Whether you’re considering pursuing an MBA, currently studying your MBA, or an MBA graduate, you’ll find a wealth of information here.

Your management experience can qualify you for the MBA

Your management experience can qualify you for the MBA

To study the AIB online MBA, you don’t necessarily need an undergraduate degree. Your management experience can qualify you as MBA-ready.

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The increasing demand for MBAs in the health sector

The increasing demand for MBAs in the health sector

MBA graduates working in the health sector share the impact the MBA has had on their career.

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What can educators learn from an MBA?

What can educators learn from an MBA?

The demand for master’s level employees in the education sector is on the rise. Here’s why.

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Study techniques to maximise the MBA experience

Study techniques to maximise the MBA experience

At AIB, we endeavour to support our students to not only survive the MBA journey, but also to maximise each of the learning opportunities for the greatest possible return and outcomes.

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Do the maths: The real-world benefits of the MBA for CPAs

Do the maths: The real-world benefits of the MBA for CPAs

In a job market where employers are increasingly looking for candidates that have well-rounded skill sets beyond technical proficiency alone, an MBA can be a powerful differentiator. 

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Your work experience will supercharge your MBA

Your work experience will supercharge your MBA

Explore why work experience is so powerful during the MBA and how to best maximise it for study success and return on investment.

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The top skills that an MBA teaches graduates

The top skills that an MBA teaches graduates

The MBA is known for its ability to vastly improve fundamental business skills, soft skills and technical skills. Find out the most commonly reported skills gained from the MBA.

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How the MBA makes you a better leader

How the MBA makes you a better leader

Why should I study an MBA? We explore the top reasons why professionals enrol in the programme.

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6 apps to help navigate the MBA

6 apps to help navigate the MBA

There is a fantastic selection of apps available that are perfect for MBA students. Download them to help you navigate the MBA with greater ease.

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