Investing in your development is essential for long-term career success. In today’s fast-paced and competitive job market, it’s important to stay ahead of your competition and continually upskill. Whether you are just starting out in your career or are a seasoned working professional, our career & development blog category is designed to provide you with all the resources you need to advance your career.

Our team of experienced business professionals and academics are passionate about sharing their expertise, offering a variety of different perspectives and advice to help you achieve your goals. So, if you’re ready to take control of your career path and unlock your full potential, read on to start your journey of professional growth and development.

What do you need to become a Business Analyst?

What do you need to become a Business Analyst?

Not everyone has the ability to understand data and interpret it in a way that results in higher earnings. That’s why most businesses need a business analyst. Are you wondering how to become a business analyst? Read on to find out.

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7 steps to becoming a board member

7 steps to becoming a board member

A company’s board of directors makes influential decisions that protect its shareholders’ interests and affect business operations and resources. By learning more about the roles and duties of corporate board members, you can create a plan to get the position you want.

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How to step into a new leadership role

How to step into a new leadership role

Stepping into a leadership role is always a major milestone in your career. It can make you feel all excited, nervous, grateful or insecure. 

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How to improve your critical thinking skills

How to improve your critical thinking skills

Critical thinking is integral to decision making and finding solutions. We break it down for you below.

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The books to read at each stage of your career

The books to read at each stage of your career

Don’t overlook the value of a good book, written by someone who has been where you are and tried to get where you’re heading.

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Changing jobs – How often is too often?

Changing jobs – How often is too often?

At what point will a large resume of employers hurt your future employability? To some extent, it depends on how senior you are.

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Job satisfaction: What really matters to today’s workforce

Job satisfaction: What really matters to today’s workforce

While each person is motivated by different things, there are several key factors that commonly contribute to overall job satisfaction.

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Your work experience will supercharge your MBA

Your work experience will supercharge your MBA

Explore why work experience is so powerful during the MBA and how to best maximise it for study success and return on investment.

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The characteristics of a truly influential leader

The characteristics of a truly influential leader

True leadership applies influence rather than dictation to inspire a team to achieve.

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