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Professor Gayle Morris

Associate Dean (Research)

PhD (Applied Physical Chemistry), Bachelor of Applied Science (Honours): First Class, Bachelor of Applied Science in Chemistry (with Distinction)

Research and teaching specialties

Physical chemistry with a focus on colloid and surface science

Prof Gayle Morris has an extensive background within the research and education sector, as a scientific researcher both in academia and industry, a research manager, and as an advocate for research and researchers. She is an active and successful scientific researcher for over twenty-five years, attracted significant nationally competitive and industry research funding, beginning at UniSA and including a period at Rio Tinto. She has held Director of Research positions at Flinders University and Victoria University.

Gayle is an active professional committee member, as a former Australasian Research Management Society (ARMS) President and current ARMS Governance Finance and Audit Committee member. She holds Adjunct Research Professor of UniSA and Adjunct Principal Research Fellow of RMIT University appointment positions, and was awarded a Fellow of ARMS in 2019 for enduring and substantial contribution to the profession.

Email: gayle.morris@aib.edu.au

Editorial Experience:

Referee of submitted manuscripts for international journals, including Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Colloids and Surfaces and International Journal of Mineral Processing.

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