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Dr Carlene Boucher

Lecturer, Human Resource and Management Discipline

PhD (Human and Org Systems), M.A. (OD), Grad Cert (Tertiary Teaching and Learning), Grad Dip Organisational Change, B.A.

Research and teaching specialties

Human Resource Management Workplace Diversity Leadership Emotions at Work

Carlene completed her M.A in Organisaton Development and PhD in Human and Organisation Systems at Fielding Graduate University in Santa Barbara, California. Carlene has more than 30 years experience teaching in Australian and International higher education institutions. She has designed, taught and managed a range of  face-to-face and online business courses in research, postgraduate and undergraduate programs including Strategic Human Resource Management, Business Ethics, Organisational Behaviour, Performance and Compensation Management, Leadership, Research Projects, Business Research Methods, Qualitative Research and Strategic Management.

Carlene’s research interests include exploring the ways managers use emotional labour as part of their role, the experience of diversity in organisations and health services management.

Email: carlene.boucher@aib.edu.au

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