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The Fast-Track MBA

Designed for busy working professionals, this fully online MBA course is highly flexible and delivered with interactive, bite-sized content and personalised student support.

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Fast-Track MBA Subject

Subject Summary

Corporate Governance is AIB’s core MBA subject that will teach you how to examine corporate issues through a governance lens and with consideration of the board of directors’ perspective.

Every organisation – for-profit or not-for-profit, big or small – needs to be governed. Good corporate governance helps avoid mismanagement, promotes a culture of integrity and ensures a high degree of responsibility, transparency and accountability, leading to sustainable performance in the long run. For managers and professionals across industries and fields, understanding corporate governance supports them to make informed decisions, manage risks and meet stakeholder expectations.

Studying Corporate Governance over 8 weeks, you’ll explore what effective governance is and isn’t, why corporate entities need to be governed and the relationship between governance and executive management. You’ll learn about why boards need to be independent, how boards are structured and the important role of diversity, gaining insight into the power dynamics and politics that may impact board decisions and shape corporate culture. Weighing up critical factors such as risk governance and social responsibility, you’ll deep dive into the role of the board in the risk management process and how businesses can go beyond compliance.

*For students commencing the MBA after 1 Jan 2023, Corporate Governance is an AQF Level 9 subject with prerequisites. For students who commenced the MBA prior to 31 Dec 2022, the subject is AQF Level 8 and does not have any perquisite subjects.

AIB Subject Code
QualificationsMBA (General)
All MBA Specialisations
AQF LevelLevel 9*
Delivery100% online
Subject Length8 weeks
Prerequisite SubjectsAt least three AIB MBA core AQF Level 8 subjects
Start Dates2024 MBA Timetable
2025 MBA Timetable

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Subject Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate advanced understanding of contemporary corporate governance theories, principles and regulatory frameworks.
  • Use corporate governance theories and frameworks to interpret the key corporate governance responsibility, structure and function in practice.
  • Critically evaluate corporate governance structure and practices with consideration of needs of various stakeholders, corporate ethics and social responsibility.
  • Effectively apply and communicate relevant theories and frameworks to ensure sound and ethical corporate governance decisions in practice.
Key Topics
  • Board structure, committees, independence and diversity
  • The regulatory and theoretical framework of corporate governance
  • Director’s capabilities and responsibilities; assessment of directors
  • Board conformance and performance function
  • Governance of corporate risk
  • Corporate social responsibility and sustainability


In the first assessment, by reading company documents you will evaluate an organisation’s corporate governance practices, board structure including committees, and board diversity against relevant principles, guidelines, and theories. In the second assessment. you will evaluate the organisation’s risk governance and corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices. These analyses will generate constructive insights for improving governance practices.

Studying the Corporate Governance subject opened my eyes to a very exciting new field for me in boardroom positions as a career opportunity. Like that, the MBA opened many doors which I never saw before, plus it gave me the confidence to know that I can actually take on those challenges.

How you will learn

100% Online MBA Learning

Our innovative Student Learning Portal is your ultimate digital resource for everything you’ll need to successfully complete this subject and your online MBA, with the flexibility to access your learning materials, videos, podcasts and other multimedia on any device. You’ll engage with fellow students and have key concepts explained by your Online Facilitators in webinars and forums.


In addition to the Student Learning Portal, the myAIB app allows you to download modules and full subjects to view offline to save your cellular data, receive notifications for assessments and webinars, listen to audio versions of modules through Soundcloud and enjoy many other useful features.

The myAIB learning portal app is available on Google play and on the Apple app store.

AIB supports your success

When you study with AIB, you’ll be supported by our skilful team of over 180 academic, student support and professional staff, who will be with you every step of your MBA journey.

Student Learning Portal

  • Our innovative Student Learning Portal provides all the resources and support you’ll need to successfully complete your MBA studies


  • Highly qualified and experienced academics
  • Practice-centric curricula, innovative learning resources and realistic assessment techniques

Study Tools

  • Access to tools you’ll need to successfully complete your degree and excel in your career including Office 365, LinkedIn Learning, Scite_, GrammarlyEDU and Endnote

Student Support

  • Dedicated student and enrolment teams
  • Supporting you with any issues big or small from orientation to graduation

Online Facilitators

  • Each class has a dedicated Facilitator (OLF) and a limit of just 50 students to ensure you’ll benefit from high levels of interaction, relationship building and learning

Wellbeing and career support

  • Access to a confidential support service providing personal counselling, wellbeing advice and career assistance

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Frequently Asked Questions

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What is corporate governance and how will learning about it help me?

Corporate governance is the system by which an organisation is controlled and operates, as well as the mechanisms by which it and its people are held to account. Studying corporate governance enables managers to examine corporate issues from the ‘big picture’ perspective of the board of directors. Corporate governance knowledge also supports managers and professionals across industries and fields to make informed decisions, manage risks and meet stakeholder expectations.

Do I need to work in governance or sit on a board to be successful in this subject?

Absolutely not – Corporate Governance provides an in-depth introduction to the governance of organisations, risks, corporate social responsibility, and other key governance concepts and principles based on real-world case studies. Students do not need any prior experience with corporate governance principles and frameworks to succeed in the subject. However, as boards govern many organisations and all engage in governance in various forms, most professionals will have prior exposure to corporate governance from an employee, management, or even an investor perspective, which will support their learning.

Will studying Corporate Governance help me land a board position?

Your studies in corporate governance and the diverse range of subjects undertaken throughout the MBA can certainly increase your chances of landing a board position.

Studying Corporate Governance in the MBA, you’ll develop a comprehensive practice and theoretical understanding of board roles and governance, which is essential for effective decision-making and oversight in any organisation. It will also broaden your perspective on corporate issues, help you understand the key governance regulatory frameworks, enhance your critical thinking skills, and develop your strategic leadership abilities. For some, the experience of studying Corporate Governance often inspires them to consider board roles as a potential career path or as an addition to their existing roles.

An MBA provides a competitive advantage in the selection process for any role, viewed favourably in particular by organisations when considering candidates for board appointments. Having an MBA with corporate governance coverage in the curriculum, like the AIB Fast-Track MBA, demonstrates that you have a deep understanding of corporate governance principles and best practices, as well as the ability to apply them in real-world situations. It also enhances your credibility and positions you as a trusted advisor who can add value to any boardroom discussion.

When in the MBA will I study Corporate Governance?

Corporate Governance is a core subject within the AIB MBA, which means it is a compulsory unit undertaken by all students in their MBA journey to meet the requirements to be awarded the degree. The MBA is made up of a mixture of level 8 and level 9 subjects (Australian Qualifications Framework), with Corporate Governance being a level 9 subject. Before Corporate Governance can be studied, students will undertake at least three level 8 subjects. For the best learning experience, it is recommended that Corporate Governance be studied in the second stage of the MBA, following the completion of all level 8 subjects and before electives are undertaken.  

Students are encouraged to contact their Enrolment Advisor for timetable advice and support.

How do I apply to study Corporate Governance?

If you’re interested in studying Corporate Governance and the AIB MBA, get in touch with an AIB Advisor to discuss your application and timetabling.

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