AIB’s MBA Ranked Among Top 30 in the World in CEO Magazine’s 2022 Global Rankings

Last modified 10 May 2022
AIB’s MBA Ranked Among Top 30 in the World in CEO Magazine’s 2022 Global Rankings


With more than 11,800 graduates from 93 countries, AIB MBA’s position as a national and global leader was reconfirmed today by achieving a Tier One Global Status, ranking 8th place in Australia and 28th globally in CEO Magazine’s Global MBA Rankings for 2022.

CEO Magazine provides students with a performance benchmark of leading MBA business schools and for 2022, have ranked data from 180 different MBA providers offering 347 different programmes across North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. 

“It is a great honor and achievement to be ranked among the world’s best and among the top 30 in the world. This reflects the hard work and dedication of all those who have contributed to our continued growth, including our alumni, faculty, team and corporate partners in business education.” said Jo Thomas, AIB CEO.

This new ranking, is a testament to the enormous value AIB’s industry-connected programs deliver to students globally. The ranking also confirms the importance of curriculum responsive to industry experiences, especially during times of crisis like the global pandemic.

Fast-Track MBA call to action

Jo Thomas  said COVID-19 had transformed workplaces and careers, with millions of professionals considering what they need to do to have more meaningful careers and fulfilling lives. AIB has never lost sight on creating a high quality MBA program, whilst remaining true to the educational pillars that have made the Australian Institute of Business an international leader in the field of business education.

The MBA program at AIB is designed to help graduates grow their careers while learning skills that are immediately relevant in today’s business landscape. Throughout the program, students develop their confidence and leadership ability through real-world challenges and opportunities, learn how to create value for stakeholders by meeting challenges creatively, and discover how to make decisions that will leave a positive impact on society.

Anneliese Searle
As AIB's Brand and Communications Manager, Anneliese holds a Bachelor's in marketing and psychology. With experience in B2B, recruitment, education, and residential services, she's now studying her MBA at AIB. In London, she chaired PRCA's NextGen group, backing emerging PR professionals.

*The Australian Institute of Business (AIB) is Australia’s largest provider of MBAs. Source Ready, B. (2023) Domestic Enrolments Surged During COVID After International Students Locked Out, MBA News. Available at: MBA News.


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